Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How do you do?

You are welcome

I am rather new at this. I leave comments everywhere but have not yet set up my own blog. No particular reason. I felt like I didn't have time. I'm an addicted reader. Not so with writing.

Recently, slowly I've been crawling out from under a rock where I've been for the last 7 years grieving the death of my truest love and dearest companion. The challenge has been to find a new life. A new self. Not to go back to the life and person I was before but create a new one. Sounds like a good opportunity in a lot of ways except making it through the dreaded sorrow of all that I miss. There is sooo much. But time passing has made the difference just as I've heard from everyone, everywhere. There really is no instructions or path for this. At least I didn't find one. I personally just needed to let it lead me where it would. I have a lot of respect for the process itself. So here I am. Not healed but present in the world. And what a place it is eh? What a time to be in. I'm back again still.


Labels: Another new beginning again

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

who knew.

Is she still around?
I'm afraid to look. Is she gone yet? Do we have to hear one more thing about Sarah Palin. Yes she was a fairly brave woman to go out in public and be soooo umm republican. But didn't she show us all on her own what she knew and didn't know. Do we have to keep talking it about it? Everywhere, all over. Leave her an article or two of nice clothing, a few pairs of multi thousand dollar shoes, bless her and her family and let's forget all about them up there in Alaska by the sea, way up north by Russia. It's over. Done. I'm done. If one more person winks at me I'm going to want to smack them. Enough with the winking please. It wasn't cute when Sarah did it and it isn't funny any more. Okay? Okay. Once Minnesota has it's recount we can put it all to rest eh? Go Al.

Now what else is new? If you like visually beautiful films and enjoy listening to Mandarin and reading subtitles I suggest "The Promise" (or "Wu ji" in it's primary language) for your viewing pleasure. It's fantasy, myth, and low on message but I was taken out of my world for a while and came back pleased. There is a very catchy piece of singing at the beginning of the end credits (yes, the beginning of the end credits) that I can still hear in my head. Which is nice because the guy downstairs from me is listening to something a little too loud and youthful for me to appreciate. He's very nice though and I know he won't keep it up too long.

And that's all I have to say on this day.