Wednesday, December 31, 2008

and a happy new year

I'm off for my traditional new year's eve celebration staying with the kids while the adults go do what ever. . We will have ice cream, popcorn, pop and bunk on the floor with pillows and blankets, watch movies and try to stay awake until midnight. This will be the 31st year. Whew, I'm am old!! I forget. It is freezing here on the tundra. A good night to stay in and be warm and cozy.

For everyone out there hoping for a better year starting tomorrow I hope it is. To the rest of us I say hang in there, carry on, find someone to rant to, make noise and write letters to your congress men and women and senators and drop by now and then.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thank you for coming by my blog and leaving a comment yesterday. I've really enjoyed your video post here. Your blog title cracks me up! Very clever!